JA Economics®
Classroom Based
Pillars of Student Success
Through a variety of experiential activities presented by the teacher and volunteer, students better understand the relationship between what they learn in school, their future career, and their successful participation in today's global economy. Volunteers engage with students through a variety of activities that may include subject-matter guest speaking, coaching, or advising for case study and project coursework.
The course addresses each of the economics standards identified by the Council for Economic Education as being essential to complete a high school economics course.
This course has received California A-G approval from High School Articulation, Office of Undergraduate Admissions, University of California.
Following participation in this course, students will be able to:
-- Learn the necessary concepts applicable to state and national educational standards.
-- Apply economic reasoning and skills in the world around them.
-- Synthesize elective concepts through a cumulative, tangible deliverable (optional case studies and/or projects).
-- Demonstrate the skills necessary for future financial literacy pathway success.
-- Integrate College and Career Readiness anchor standards in Reading, Informational Text, Speaking and Listening, and Vocabulary
JA Economics is part of the JA Financial Literacy Pathway. The course is a blended model that includes teacher-led content, volunteer-led opportunities, and self-guided content to support flexible implementation options. JA Economics is available in classroom-based or remote live implementation. Robust support materials are available for teachers, including a pacing guide for semester-long implementation. Your local JA area may have the opportunity to support interested districts that have formed a relationship with post-secondary institutions to facilitate dual credit.
As part of this course, JA teachers and volunteers are encouraged to use the resources available in JA Connect® Learning Pathways, located at connect.ja.org. This self-guided experience includes interactives, JA Here to Career, and games and apps for student use.
JA programs support national and state standards in reading, mathematics, social studies, and work and career readiness. See below for more information on alignment with national and state standards.
Virtual Implementation
Remote live implementation is available for JA Economics.Related Program Supplements
Junior Achievement gratefully acknowledges the Charles Koch Foundation for their contribution to the redevelopment of JA Economics.
Alignment with State and National Standards
Common Core Standards
For those states that follow common core standards, Junior Achievement's curricula have been reviewed for alignment with these standards! Learn more by selecting the appropriate grade level below.
Main Correlation and Standards Page
National Standards
While educational standards are determined primarily at the state level, many national standards serve as guidelines for the development of these state standards. See how Junior Achievement curricula align with the national standards listed below.
Main Correlation and Standards Page
State Standards
Junior Achievement curricula are created to align with state standards. To see how our programs align with your state's standards, explore the options below.
Main Correlation and Standards Page
Scope and Sequence
Junior Achievement learning experiences cover financial literacy, career and work readiness, and entrepreneurship. Our extensive scope and sequence helps explain how our programs cover these subjects at various grade levels.
Main Correlation and Standards Page
Request a Presenter to Teach Curriculum
Steps to Request a Presenter
1) Request Info
Once you've decided to have a JA volunteer in your classroom, fill out the form on this website. You will receive information on next steps.
2) Pick Schedule
You will be able to coordinate a schedule that works for your class either online or in conjunction with a JA representative.
3) Meet Presenter
Once a volunteer is identified for your class, JA will connect you with the presenter to discuss roles, expectations, and logistics.
4) Empower Students with Standards-Based Education
After all details are in place, the JA volunteer will deliver lessons to your students either virtually or in-person.
Select a button below to see how you or your organization can get involved with Junior Achievement of Northern Indiana, South Adams County.
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